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Hardwick Morning

Weather was so so this morning. Not too cold, in fact surprisingly warm considering the mist, cloud and dampness. Took a different route to Hardwick by entering a so called 'Right of Way' opposite Sands Hall entrance. Not recommended. At Hardwick, maybe due to the greyness, it was not busy for a Friday. Did see another treecreeper but did not have my camera ready. Also prevalent were numbers of Canada Geese, very noisy, grey squirrel, coots, swans, but not many tits and finches.


Humid Walk

After 2-3 days of sun and heat the cloud appeared this morning after some overnight rain. Fairly warm though during the walk this morning and it was humid but by late morning, rain started to appear and cooler temperature. Afternoon was about the same. Photo: East Park


Hardwick Park

Yes the main story is the weather. Cold again and feeling damp although no rain. At least the birds at Hardwick Park gave a little relief. A robin started singing within .5m of me while I was taking photo's. Even turning my body & camera towards it, the robin did not move. Also saw a wren, a number of blue tits, various other species and a few tufted ducks and a great crested grebe.


Better Day

Pleasant weather this morning. A bit fresh with a bit of a breeze but the heat from the sunny skies made a nice morning. Expecting sheep and a herd of cows now accommodate East Park, so those walking dogs need to be careful.

Photo: East Park.


First walk for a good few days. Four miles around Hardwick Park. No rain today although very wet ground following exceptional rain over the last few days. Slight increase in air temperature, possibly the reason why we have a heavy mist since last night, still hear late in the day.
Pic: Misty Hardwick Park



A Saturday morning walk this morning instead of the mandatory exercise. Cold though with frost in lying on soaked ground. Ice too on house & car roofs.


Wet again

today Never seen the paths and fields so wet. In fact every day seems the water logged even more. Just glad we are not in the situation like the south of England or parts of Scotland experiencing flooding.


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